
Web movie series “UENOYES Research Team” begins.

About the UENOYES Research Team

They’ve surveyed the diverse cultures gathering in Ueno from various perspectives, to communicate to the world beyond language, through video, creating irregular web movies. With new perspectives and non-standard planning skills that surpass research as their concept, videos like “Mashup Interview”, “Variety Traffic Survey”, and “Bench Popularity Ranking” reveal the charms of Ueno, where UENOYES takes place.

Produced by: rinji_kikaku

The 3-person project team consists of Tsutomu UMEZAWA (photographer), SHIMAMOTO Kosaku (planner/filmmaker), and Iichiro TANAKA (artist/designer). With their concepts of “temporary” (echoing the thought, if we think of something let’s try it!), and “project” (using various media such as publications, three-dimensional objects, events, graphics, videos, sounds, words, gender, and general ideas), they continue to explore different forms of output.


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