UENOYES is where you can see each color of everyone, one by one, just as they are.
Your color will never be visible if blended with the color next to you.
Your color will not be lumped together with other colors however similar they may appear.
UENOYES unconditionally embraces each one of you in your true color.
Katsuhiko HIBINO
Katsuhiko HIBINO, General Producer
Born in Gifu Prefecture in 1958. Earned a Master’s degree from Tokyo University of the Arts in 1984. Won the Japan Graphic exhibition Grand Prix in 1982. Won the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 2015. Employs local elements in his art. Currently Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts and professor of the Intermedia Art Department.
Aomi OKABE, Director of International division
Born in Taito City in Tokyo and raised in Yanaka district. Art critic and curator. The École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts Lecturer and Visiting Professor. New York University Visiting Researcher.
Worked as Chief Curator at Mercien Karuizawa Museum for 5 years. Dedicated to Musashino Art University as Professor for 12 years. Currently Artistic Director of the exhibitions of Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris.